October 16, 2013


Pre- Reading Activity: Vocabulary

Title: Charles
Author: Shirley Jackson
Pre-reading: Vocabulary

1. renounced: to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration
2. tot: a small child
3. swaggering: to walk with a conceited swing or strut
4. insolently: rude, disrespectful, or bold in behavior or language
5. addressing : to direct the attention of (oneself)
6. spanked: to hit on the buttocks with the open hand
7. deprived : to stop from having something
8. reassuringly: to restore confidence to : free from fear
9. anxiously: uneasy in mind : worried
10. passionately: strong feeling; filled with emotions as distinguished from reason
11. simultaneously: occurring or operating at the same time
12. solemnly: highly serious
13. heartily: giving full support; also jovial
14. shrugged: to hunch (the shoulders) up to express aloofness, indifference, or
15. reformation: the state of correcting or improving one's own character or habits
16. incredulously: expressing disbelief, skeptical
17. plotting: to make a plan of
18. awed: respectful fear inspired by authority
19. unwisely: not showing good sense or good judgment : foolish
20. matronly: a married person usually of dignified maturity or social distinction
21. haggard: having a worn or emaciated appearance
22. primly: stiffly formal and precise
23. lapses: to sink or slip gradually

by Shirley Jackson

The day my son Laurie started kindergarten he renounced corduroy overalls with
bibs and began wearing blue jeans with a belt; I watched him go off the first morning
with the older girl next door, seeing clearly that an era of my life was ended, my sweet voiced nursery-school tot replaced by a long-trouser, swaggering character who forgot to stop at the corner and wave good-bye to me.
He came running home the same way, the front door slamming open, his cap on
the floor, and the voice suddenly become raucous shouting, “Isn’t anybody here?”
At lunch he spoke insolently to his father, spilled his baby sister’s milk, and
remarked that his teacher said we were not to take the name of the Lord in vain.
“How was school today?” I asked, elaborately casual.
“All right,” he said.
“Did you learn anything?” his father asked.
Laurie regarded his father coldly. “I didn’t learn nothing,” he said.
“Anything,” I said. “Didn’t learn anything.”
“The teacher spanked a boy, though,” Laurie said, addressing his bread and butter.
“For being fresh,” he added, with his mouth full.
“What did he do?” I asked. “Who was it?”
Laurie thought. “It was Charles,” he said. “He was fresh. The teacher spanked
him and made him stand in the corner. He was awfully fresh.”
“What did he do?” I asked again, but Laurie slid off his chair, took a cookie, and
left, while his father was still saying, “See here, young man.”
The next day Laurie remarked at lunch, as soon as he sat down, “Well, Charles
was bad again today.” He grinned enormously and said, “Today Charles hit the teacher.”
“Good heavens,” I said, mindful of the Lord’s name, “I suppose he got spanked
“He sure did,” Laurie said. “Look up,” he said to his father.
“What?” his father said, looking up.
“Look down,” Laurie said. “Look at my thumb. Gee, you’re dumb.” He began
to laugh insanely.
“Why did Charles hit the teacher?” I asked quickly.
“Because she tried to make him color with red crayons,” Laurie said. “Charles
wanted to color with green crayons so he hit the teacher and she spanked him and said
nobody play with Charles but everybody did.”
The third day—it was a Wednesday of the first week—Charles bounced a see-saw
on to the head of a little girl and made her bleed, and the teacher made him stay inside all
during recess. Thursday Charles had to stand in a corner during story-time because he
kept pounding his feet on the floor. Friday Charles was deprived of black-board
privileges because he threw chalk.
On Saturday I remarked to my husband, “Do you think kindergarten is too
unsettling for Laurie? All this toughness and bad grammar, and this Charles boy sounds
like such a bad influence.”
“It’ll be alright,” my husband said reassuringly. “Bound to be people like Charles
in the world. Might as well meet them now as later.”
On Monday Laurie came home late, full of news. “Charles,” he shouted as he
came up the hill; I was waiting anxiously on the front steps. “Charles,” Laurie yelled all
the way up the hill, “Charles was bad again.”
“Come right in,” I said, as soon as he came close enough. “Lunch is waiting.”
“You know what Charles did?” he demanded following me through the door.
“Charles yelled so in school they sent a boy in from first grade to tell the teacher she had to make Charles keep quiet, and so Charles had to stay after school. And so all the
children stayed to watch him.
“What did he do?” I asked.
“He just sat there,” Laurie said, climbing into his chair at the table. “Hi, Pop,
You old dust mop.”
“Charles had to stay after school today,” I told my husband. “Everyone stayed
with him.”
“What does this Charles look like?” my husband asked Laurie. “What’s his other
“He’s bigger than me,” Laurie said. “And he doesn’t have any rubbers and he
doesn’t wear a jacket.”
Monday night was the first Parent-Teachers meeting, and only the fact that the
baby had a cold kept me from going; I wanted passionately to meet Charles’s mother. On
Tuesday Laurie remarked suddenly, “Our teacher had a friend come to see her in school
“Charles’s mother?” my husband and I asked simultaneously.
“Naaah,” Laurie said scornfully. “It was a man who came and made us do
exercises, we had to touch our toes. Look.” He climbed down from his chair and
squatted down and touched his toes. “Like this,” he said. He got solemnly back into his
chair and said, picking up his fork, “Charles didn’t even do exercises.”
“That’s fine,” I said heartily. “Didn’t Charles want to do exercises?”
“Naaah,” Laurie said. “Charles was so fresh to the teacher’s friend he wasn’t let
do exercises.”
“Fresh again?” I said.
“He kicked the teacher’s friend,” Laurie said. “The teacher’s friend just told
Charles to touch his toes like I just did and Charles kicked him.
“What are they going to do about Charles, do you suppose?” Laurie’s father
asked him.
Laurie shrugged elaborately. “Throw him out of school, I guess,” he said.
Wednesday and Thursday were routine; Charles yelled during story hour and hit a
boy in the stomach and made him cry. On Friday Charles stayed after school again and
so did all the other children.
With the third week of kindergarten Charles was an institution in our family; the
baby was being a Charles when she cried all afternoon; Laurie did a Charles when he
filled his wagon full of mud and pulled it through the kitchen; even my husband, when he
caught his elbow in the telephone cord and pulled the telephone and a bowl of flowers off
the table, said, after the first minute, “Looks like Charles.”
During the third and fourth weeks it looked like a reformation in Charles; Laurie
reported grimly at lunch on Thursday of the third week, “Charles was so good today the
teacher gave him an apple.”
“What?” I said, and my husband added warily, “You mean Charles?”
“Charles,” Laurie said. “He gave the crayons around and he picked up the books
afterward and the teacher said he was her helper.”
“What happened?” I asked incredulously.
“He was her helper, that’s all,” Laurie said, and shrugged.
“Can this be true about Charles?” I asked my husband that night. “Can something
like this happen?”
“Wait and see,” my husband said cynically. “When you’ve got a Charles to deal
with, this may mean he’s only plotting.” He seemed to be wrong. For over a week
Charles was the teacher’s helper; each day he handed things out and he picked things up;
no one had to stay after school.
“The PTA meeting’s next week again,” I told my husband one evening. “I’m
going to find Charles’s mother there.”
“Ask her what happened to Charles,” my husband said. “I’d like to know.”
“I’d like to know myself,” I said.
On Friday of that week things were back to normal. “You know what Charles did
today?” Laurie demanded at the lunch table, in a voice slightly awed. “He told a little
girl to say a word and she said it and the teacher washed her mouth out with soap and
Charles laughed.”
“What word?” his father asked unwisely, and Laurie said, “I’ll have to whisper it
to you, it’s so bad.” He got down off his chair and went around to his father. His father
bent his head down and Laurie whispered joyfully. His father’s eyes widened.
“Did Charles tell the little girls to say that?” he asked respectfully.
“She said it twice,” Laurie said. “Charles told her to say it twice.”
“What happened to Charles?” my husband asked.
“Nothing,” Laurie said. “He was passing out the crayons.”
Monday morning Charles abandoned the little girl and said the evil word himself
three or four times, getting his mouth washed out with soap each time. He also threw
My husband came to the door with me that evening as I set out for the PTA
meeting. “Invite her over for a cup of tea after the meeting,” he said. “I want to get a
look at her.”
“If only she’s there.” I said prayerfully.
“She’ll be there,” my husband said. “I don’t see how they could hold a PTA
meeting without Charles’s mother.”
At the meeting I sat restlessly, scanning each comfortable matronly face, trying to
determine which one hid the secret of Charles. None of them looked to me haggard
enough. No one stood up in the meeting and apologized for the way her son had been
acting. No one mentioned Charles.
After the meeting I identified and sought out Laurie’s kindergarten teacher. She
had a plate with a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate cake; I had a plate with a cup of tea
and a piece of marshmallow cake. We manoeuvred up to one another cautiously, and
“I’ve been so anxious to meet you,” I said. “I’m Laurie’s mother.”
“We’re all so interested in Laurie,” she said.
“Well, he certainly likes kindergarten,” I said. “He talks about it all the time.”
“We had a little trouble adjusting, the first week or so,” she said primly, “but now
he’s a fine helper. With an occasional lapses, of course.”
“Laurie usually adjusts very quickly,” I said. “I suppose this time it’s Charles’s
“Yes,” I said, laughing, “you must have your hands full in that kindergarten, with
“Charles?” she said. “We don’t have any Charles in the kindergarten.”


  1. It was at the final very confused. Was like the story " A slander" . Likei it so much because sometimes we told things using other names or persons. We mist be always clear and if we do something bad don't say it :). I really like it !

  2. Jorge S 10-3
    I like the story. Ir was weird. My favorite part was when charles threw chalk. Im going to read ir again.

  3. The story was very funny. Because Charles was the joke of the family and it hade become a institution for them. They couldnt do anything without thinking about charles. Sow to see that laurie was really charles was very confusing but funny.

  4. I really liked the story. I was surprised with the ending. The kid was really clever and tricky. It was funny that Lauries parents wanted to meet Charles mother and the irresponsible parents where really them. It's the best story the teacher's given.

  5. I liked the story as the final part soprendio me both because it was so complicated and curious child,they all thought in the "CHARLES"jijijiji

  6. I love this story . Must of the times the end for me is the worst thing in a story and in this 2 story i had love the end . I never imagine that it will end like this, so as A slander . My favourite part was when we realize Laurie mother is Charles mother.

  7. Jaimarilys Hernández 10-2BSunday, October 20, 2013 7:09:00 PM

    I really loved this story because it kept me wondering until the end to find out who was Charles mother. Finding out that there was actually no Charles and that it was Laurie made me laugh because of all the things that he invented so that his parents didn't do anything to him. I would recommend this story to other people. This story taught me to never judge anyone before you know them or know the truth behind everything.

  8. I never thought a child could invent something. I really liked the story. Was different from other stories I've read. I would like to read the story again.

  9. This story has a very truthful moral.We learn that we can't judge anyone without knowing him.One day is him and the other day is you. I really like this story because it make me reflect very much. I told the story to my mother and we remembered my little brother. Sometimes hes very naughty.

  10. I really liked this story mostly because of the ending. This story taught me to never judge people by there appearances. The Mom must of learned a valuable lesson as well. I enjoyed this story so much that I had to tell my older brother to read it.

  11. It was an interesting story. I really liked it. It was fun to read. My favorite part was the ending when laurei turned out to be charels. Hope we can read more storys like this in class

  12. I liked this story. I liked it because it teaches you a good moral. My favorite part was when Laurie described Charles to his father. I liked the way it finished because I was not thinking that would happen.


  13. I liked this story. It had an interesting ending.With a really unexpected plot twist. I hope to read more story's like this one in class.

  14. I really enjoyed this story. No one could ever guess that there own son is the one behaving bad, so I probably didn't accept that in the resolution of the story. It was a really awkward story. I liked it but I just can't believed what Laurie said to his own family. I thing he is not going to have a very bright future, he' s going to be a lair.

  15. I liked this story.But I can´t believe what a boy of kindergarten invented that story.The mother´s Laurie didn´t know what he did in the school.She really was irresponsible.

  16. The story was interesting.My favorite part was the ending when the Laurie´s teacher said to Laurie´s mother ´´we don´t have any Charles in the kindergarten.she didn´t know that Charles was her son.She was irresponsible.

  17. The story was a litle confuse at the end but it was interesting to. This story had a great significate. Because sometimes we judge without know their past and we think we are the best but the only wo is the best is God. It was a good story.

  18. I really love this story. Specialy the end because it really surprise me i though that Lauries mom would finally meet Charles parants but they were Charles parants. It was awesome i would really like to read more story's like that. It was a very interesting Storie,
    We learned that we can't Judge a book by his covered if you dont read the story you could miss a great adventure!

  19. I like the story. The end was my favorite part. This story was very interesting. It also had a good moral.

  20. I really like this story. Specially the end, it really surprise me. It was a little consufe but I didn't expect that Laurie's gonna be Charles. I would really like to read more storys like this one.

  21. I liked the story. Especially the end, I really expected that Laurie would be Charles because the way that Laurie came home from the first day of school. One of my favorite parts is when the teacher filled the girls mouth because I think of it. Never be so sure of what people say. I hope to read another story like this one.

  22. The story was great. I liked the story because I didn't expected Laurie was Charles. This story has a great lesson and is that one can't trust anybody. I would like to read another great story like this one.

  23. I like this story and the end was something that no one will expect it. It was a good story.Never judge people by there appearances becuase they maybe look like a good person but actually there not. Also that you shouldent lie. If you lie onces you just gana keep lying and it would make things worse.That you should come out with the truth at first so than things can be fix and that it wont make it worse.

  24. I like this story because I like plot twists. The story made me curious on finding out who was Charles`mother. My favorite part was the ending. Goes to show you cant

    1. you cant trust everything you hear.

    2. I liked these story becouse I never thought that Laurie was charles even though that laurie was missbehaving to. 4 me it was very surprising to know that charles was laurie. I liked the story. These story also teaches us that things are not always what they seem to be.

  25. I really liked this story. I never thought that Laurie was Charles, and he tell his parents so serious about what Charles do in Kinder garden. I also liked the Moral. the Moral tells you that not all that you hear is true. ''Charles'' misbehave and do such bad thing.... and some of that misbehaving are like funny!!! So that why i liked the story ''Charles''.

  26. I like this story a lot. Is very interesting how a boy in kindergarten can lie to his parents so perfectly. I never thought that Laurie is going to be Charles. I also like the moral, it tells you to don't judge the people for what you heard cause not everything you hear is true.

  27. Yancy Bourdon Soto. 10-1Friday, October 25, 2013 9:59:00 PM

    I no like the conduct of the tot. Why are very mischievos and fresh. But i like the them of the story. That the them is true. We can not judging the other people by his personatily or physical.

    Example: That sometimes people seen frendly, gentle or kuite and inside are the opposite.

  28. This story was interesting and really good. I was expecting something wrong with Laurie cause I saw at first that while he talked about Charles to the parents he was also being rude in the house. So I expected that from Laurie. In this story I learned that you cant trust what people say.

  29. Charles was a very interesting story. It is a surprise that Charles was Laurie,I dint expect that.My favorite part was the ending. When Charles mother finds out it that Charles was Laurie. The stroy teaches you a lesson,Never believe something that a person tells you right away.

  30. The story was great. Because I never thought that Laurie was Charles. It show us Never Judge a Book by his cover. If you don't Know don't judge.
    I love the story hope you give us more story's like that! :)

  31. This story for me is a good teaching for all parents. The way the story puts the child Laurie as the one ho always talks about a kid called Charles that his behavior is not the appropriate and is affecting laurie. This story let you know what are children capable of and that you have to be slope about your children.

  32. I liked this story because it tells you that we got to be more careful with our children`s vocabulary. Another theme for these story is to never judge anyone. This kid, Laurie is a really bad kid and this a product of bad parents. Laurie`s parents looked so responsable and very good but not everything that looks good is good. It`s just a bad thing that a kid as Laurie can talk and act that mischievious.

  33. I really liked this story because it is different from the others. In the whole story would I never imagine that end and also has a very good moral.

  34. This story was so instresting because it was diferent. I like it very much and it have a good moral.

  35. I really like this story. It was so interesting how can a kinder child can invented a big lie. Its also amaising how can he tell so certainty to his fathers all the mischievousness that Charles did. I never had thought that Charles and Lauries was tha same person. This story gave us a lesson. We can't jude people before know them. Also as a father they have to be more carefully with his son. Sincerely I never imagened the great end of this story.

  36. I really liked this story and what I liked most was the end. This story gave me a great lesson. It taught me that one should not judge people by appearances. It was very interesting.

  37. Charles is an interesting story and quiet charming.The story shows us how much of hypocrites we can be sometimes.The story mostly consist of a kid named Charles who misbehaves in kindergarten and is affecting a kid names Laurie in his attitude.The story did a good job keeping me entertained and actually making me care for these characters.What really makes this story special is the ending its one I did not expect and one that most of the readers did not expect.I really like the ending cause no one expected Charles to actually be Laurie.I also liked it because Laurie's lie is so intricate and complicated and quiet impressive that a kindergarden could pull that off.I really liked the story and definitely would recommend it to people it has its flaws but the flaws are minor and don't ruin the reading experience.

  38. I liked this story because we present the case of a child really bad and reckless. shows us how the child is clinging incubre impersonate another child. really interesting is the message we want to give.

  39. I like this story because i dont know how a little kid tell his mother about another kid that have bad conduct and in the end of the story we know that the kid with bad conduct was same person that the other kid. It was good becuase that cause confucion. If I was his fathers i give him a good lesson.

  40. I like Charles story because is interesting , and because it talk about the real life.We have to learn to tell the true because if you say a lie one day the people are going to know if you say the true or not.You can not judge a person for his appearance .No all the friends are bad influence are your actings that shows who you are.

  41. I like Charles story because is interesting and I really like the ending because no one expected Charles to actually be Laurie. I also liked the Moral.

  42. Charles is an interesting story and it show us the moral the we have to learn about it. and show good leason.

  43. This story about Charles was amazing and so not boring. The end is practically the best part of the story, I wasn't expecting that. Laurie is such a badass by being such a pretty little lier. Never thought that a child prodigy like that make such a big lie! Although, if you don't know what's actually happenning don't judge.

  44. This story was nice. I never thought that laurie was Charles. We must not judge others by their appearance. My favorite part was the end that I found very interesting.

  45. I really liked the story charles because I never expected the ending to happen. Its really interesting because since a kid charles was lying to his mother. For me this story tells that everybody lies.

  46. I like this story. This story was interesting and funny. Don't talk about persons you don't know. The end of the story was surprising. I understand laurie's mom had a good lesson. I learn a lot from this story.

  47. A great story with a surprise ending. The story implies that all the trouble has been caused by Laurie.

  48. This story was very interesting. I liked this story because it has an ending that not many people would guess. This story teaches you that you should not jufge people without really knowing them. Another lesson this story teaches you is that all the things you do can be discovered. I'd like to read a continuation of this story and know what happened to the boy.

  49. melany pino gonzalez 10-1Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:28:00 PM

    i like the story about the Charles .Charles and Laurie made me laugh because thing that he inventing so that his parent didnt do anything to him. that is a good story. I recommend for other person because is very interesting .

  50. Well, I think this story is like our real life. I was so sorprised when I knew that Charles and Laurie was the same person. I think that the problem in this story was that Laurie's mother didn't care about her son becuase she didn't go to bring Laurie to school and she didn't go before to ask about him. It's incredible to hear that a little kid was so intelligent and made a character who don't exist. I would like to read more stories like this.

  51. I liked the story because It is an interesting story. I liked the moral of it.
    No one should judge anyone with out knowing them.
