September 19, 2012

A Slander

Pre Reading: Vocabulary Words

1. slander: to utter slander against : DEFAME
2. master : one having authority or control.
3. drawing room: a formal reception room.
4. flitting: to pass or move quickly from place to place.
5. swallowtails: tailcoat.
6. hubbub: a state of commotion or excitement.
7. din: a loud confused mixture of noises.
8. hurriedly: to move or act with haste.
9. sentry : guard.
10. queer : weird, strange, differing from the usual.
11. supper : an evening meal.
12. fumes: smoke, vapor or gas.
13. sturgeon: a large food fish valuable as a source of caviar.
14. grin: to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth, especially in amusement.
15. stealthy : secretly
16. relish: enjoyment or delight in something.
17. piquancy: pleasantly savory.
18. avail: to be use or advantage.
19. propensities: an often intense natural inclination or preference.
20. scoundrel: a disreputable person.
21. cholera: an often fatal epidemic disease.

Pre Reading Questions: A Slander

1.  Describe a kiss.  What can a kiss mean?
2.  Has your life ever been affected by gossip?
3.  How is a gossip spread?
4.  Describe a Puerto Rican Wedding.
5.  Based on the vocabulary words and pre reading questions, what do you think the story is going to be about?

A Slander

by Anton Chekhov

SERGE KAPITONICH AHINEEV, the writing master, was marrying his daughter to the teacher of history and geography. The wedding festivities were going off most successfully. In the drawing room there was singing, playing, and dancing. Waiters hired from the club were flitting distractedly about the rooms, dressed in black swallow-tails and dirty white ties. There was a continual hubbub and din of conversation. Sitting side by side on the sofa, the teacher of mathematics, Tarantulov, the French teacher, Pasdequoi, and the junior assessor of taxes, Mzda, were talking hurriedly and interrupting one another as they described to the guests cases of persons being buried alive, and gave their opinions on spiritualism. None of them believed in spiritualism, but all admitted that there were many things in this world which would always be beyond the mind of man. In the next room the literature master, Dodonsky, was explaining to the visitors the cases in which a sentry has the right to fire on passers-by. The subjects, as you perceive, were alarming, but very agreeable. Persons whose social position precluded them from entering were looking in at the windows from the yard.

Just at midnight the master of the house went into the kitchen to see whether everything was ready for supper. The kitchen from floor to ceiling was filled with fumes composed of goose, duck, and many other odours. On two tables the accessories, the drinks and light refreshments, were set out in artistic disorder. The cook, Marfa, a red-faced woman whose figure was like a barrel with a belt around it, was bustling about the tables.

"Show me the sturgeon, Marfa," said Ahineev, rubbing his hands and licking his lips. "What a perfume! I could eat up the whole kitchen. Come, show me the sturgeon."

Marfa went up to one of the benches and cautiously lifted a piece of greasy newspaper. Under the paper on an immense dish there reposed a huge sturgeon, masked in jelly and decorated with capers, olives, and carrots. Ahineev gazed at the sturgeon and gasped. His face beamed, he turned his eyes up. He bent down and with his lips emitted the sound of an ungreased wheel. After standing a moment he snapped his fingers with delight and once more smacked his lips.
"Ah-ah! the sound of a passionate kiss. . . . Who is it you're kissing out there, little Marfa?" came a voice from the next room, and in the doorway there appeared the cropped head of the assistant usher, Vankin. "Who is it? A-a-h! . . . Delighted to meet you! Sergei Kapitonich! You're a fine grandfather, I must say! Tête-à-tête with the fair sex--tette!"

"I'm not kissing," said Ahineev in confusion. "Who told you so, you fool? I was only . . . I smacked my lips . . . in reference to . . . as an indication of. . . pleasure . . . at the sight of the fish."

"Tell that to the marines!" The intrusive face vanished, wearing a broad grin.

Ahineev flushed.
"Hang it!" he thought, "the beast will go now and talk scandal. He'll disgrace me to all the town, the brute."

Ahineev went timidly into the drawing-room and looked stealthily round for Vankin. Vankin was standing by the piano, and, bending down with a jaunty air, was whispering something to the inspector's sister-in-law, who was laughing.

"Talking about me!" thought Ahineev. "About me, blast him! And she believes it . . . believes it! She laughs! Mercy on us! No, I can't let it pass . . . I can't. I must do something to prevent his being believed. . . . I'll speak to them all, and he'll be shown up for a fool and a gossip."

Ahineev scratched his head, and still overcome with embarrassment, went up to Pasdequoi.

"I've just been in the kitchen to see after the supper," he said to the Frenchman. "I know you are fond of fish, and I've a sturgeon, my dear fellow, beyond everything! A yard and a half long! Ha, ha, ha! And, by the way . . . I was just forgetting. . . . In the kitchen just now, with that sturgeon . . . quite a little story! I went into the kitchen just now and wanted to look at the supper dishes. I looked at the sturgeon and I smacked my lips with relish . . . at the piquancy of it. And at the very moment that fool Vankin came in and said: . . . 'Ha, ha, ha! . . . So you're kissing here!' Kissing Marfa, the cook! What a thing to imagine, silly fool! The woman is a perfect fright, like all the beasts put together, and he talks about kissing! Queer fish!"

"Who's a queer fish?" asked Tarantulov, coming up.

"Why he, over there -- Vankin! I went into the kitchen . . ."

And he told the story of Vankin. ". . . He amused me, queer fish! I'd rather kiss a dog than Marfa, if you ask me," added Ahineev. He looked round and saw behind him Mzda.

"We were talking of Vankin," he said. "Queer fish, he is! He went into the kitchen, saw me beside Marfa, and began inventing all sorts of silly stories. 'Why are you kissing?' he says. He must have had a drop too much. 'And I'd rather kiss a turkeycock than Marfa,' I said, 'And I've a wife of my own, you fool,' said I. He did amuse me!"

"Who amused you?" asked the priest who taught Scripture in the school, going up to Ahineev.

"Vankin. I was standing in the kitchen, you know, looking at the sturgeon. . . ."
And so on. Within half an hour or so all the guests knew the incident of the sturgeon and Vankin.

"Let him tell away now!" thought Ahineev, rubbing his hands. "Let him! He'll begin telling his story and they'll say to him at once, 'Enough of your improbable nonsense, you fool, we know all about it!' "

And Ahineev was so relieved that in his joy he drank four glasses too many. After escorting the young people to their room, he went to bed and slept like an innocent babe, and next day he thought no more of the incident with the sturgeon. But, alas! man proposes, but God disposes. An evil tongue did its evil work, and Ahineev's strategy was of no avail. Just a week later -- to be precise, on Wednesday after the third lesson -- when Ahineev was standing in the middle of the teacher's room, holding forth on the vicious propensities of a boy called Visekin, the head master went up to him and drew him aside:

"Look here, Sergei Kapitonich," said the head master, "you must excuse me. . . . It's not my business; but all the same I must make you realize. . . . It's my duty. You see, there are rumors that you are romancing with that . . . cook. . . . It's nothing to do with me, but . . . flirt with her, kiss her . . . as you please, but don't let it be so public, please. I entreat you! Don't forget that you're a schoolmaster."

Ahineev turned cold and faint. He went home like a man stung by a whole swarm of bees, like a man scalded with boiling water. As he walked home, it seemed to him that the whole town was looking at him as though he were smeared with pitch. At home fresh trouble awaited him.

"Why aren't you gobbling up your food as usual?" his wife asked him at dinner. "What are you so pensive about? Brooding over your amours? Pining for your Marfa? I know all about it, Mohammedan! Kind friends have opened my eyes! O-o-o! . . . you savage!"

And she slapped him in the face. He got up from the table, not feeling the earth under his feet, and without his hat or coat, made his way to Vankin. He found him at home.
"You scoundrel!" he addressed him. "Why have you covered me with mud before all the town? Why did you set this slander going about me?"

"What slander? What are you talking about?"

"Who was it gossiped of my kissing Marfa? Wasn't it you? Tell me that. Wasn't it you, you brigand?"

Vankin blinked and twitched in every fibre of his battered countenance, raised his eyes to the icon and articulated, "God blast me! Strike me blind and lay me out, if I said a single word about you! May I be left without house and home, may I be stricken with worse than cholera!"

Vankin's sincerity did not admit of doubt. It was evidently not he who was the author of the slander.

"But who, then, who?" Ahineev wondered, going over all his acquaintances in his mind and beating himself on the breast. "Who, then?"

Who, then? We, too, ask the reader.

During Reading Questions

1.  Why does Ahineev think Vankin is spreading rumors?
2.  What does Ahineev do to prevent the rumors from being spread?
3.  Who does Ahineev approach to clarify the incident in the kitchen with Marfa?
4.  What do you think about the way Ahineev handle the rumor? Would you have done the same thing? Why or why not?
5.  How do you think Ahineev is going to confront Vankin? Write a descriptive paragraph?

After Reading Questions

1.  Does Ahineev feel relieved after clarifying the incident of the kitchen with Marfa?  Why?
2.  Who informed Ahineev about the rumors being spread?  What advice did this person give him?
3.  What happened when Ahineev arrived home?
4.  Ahineev confronted Vankin.  Did Ahineev react the way you thought he would react?
5.  Who do you think spread the rumors of Ahineev if it wasn't Vankin?


  1. I found it very interesting story. He leaves us a very clear message “the human has to ignore the gossip”.

  2. The story was very interesting.We have to ignore the comments of the stuped person. That storie is like real in live. i andersten the story because the teacher is cool.

  3. At first when the story end i don't understand why the final was strange , but when I start thinking and reading again and I understand the strange final.The story teaches us that We can not get carried about comments or actions that make the people,first be sure that what people say is true.

  4. The Story Was Very Curious because you will never predict what will happen at the end of the story, I read it one time and don't understand it but i read it again in the blog and i understand it.

  5. I Enjoyed This Story Because i don't understand it the first time i read it i needed to read it to 3 times to understand it

  6. This story is hard to understand the first time you read it, but after reading it a couple of times you understand it. I find this story very amusing and also has a teaching.

  7. This story was a little weird until I could understand I really liked the message because this happens a lot in real life. I learned of the story that you should always speak the truth we must also speak clearly so that we also understand that gossip is bad and makes people feel bad.

  8. I like that story is funny and most of it true. Many people are gossip and I hate that

  9. I found this story pretty good because you can compare it to the real life. How? Well, it teaches you how dangerous a gossip can be and how people get negative affected by it. Even though at first I thought nothing was really going to happen, at the end it gave me quite a surprise.

    1. This story was very interesting for me. I think it was very beneficial for us because there we have a positive message to leave aside the gossip.

  10. Firstable the story is something complicate, but I read a few of times and like, because its comparable with the real life...

  11. the story was very good but the end was a little bit strange. they teach us how gossip the people can be.

  12. I really liked the story. I already had read but this time was that understanding. I really liked the message and I think many should apply it to daily life.

  13. At first i didnt understand the ending , then a start to think about it and a realised do not count something that people might not know it just becuase you do not nobody to talk about and maybe it will be worse .

  14. It was kind of confuse at firs but then star to gettin interrestin.I really like it
    beacuse at the end you need by you own
    mind think who may be tha gossip leader

  15. It's a story as real-life cases. We hear and see and interpret what is not according to reality. On many occasions we see neither we operate and we are carried away by rumors that may have serious consequences. Sometimes you have to see to believe and of course always two sides to listen to the two versions. Recalling that it is not what is said but what is shown. We should not believe in rumors always try to seek the truth. I think there are always malicious gossip.

  16. I found this story very interesting because we live it in our society and this story teaches not to belive in what other people says because it could be a lie. I read that story like 5 times because i didnt understand it.

  17. Practiclly i enjoyed the story now that i learned to never judge someone by their acts. Now that in the story Ahineev saw Vankin whispering to the girl and shes laughing he thought that he was telling the gossip i mean who knows maybe he was being flirty or was Marfa that spread the rumor

  18. its was a fine story i like it i learn a few mrussian names and more and still il like to know who was the one tha did the gassiping

  19. Haha! Russian names are awesome! Anyway, the story is really imteresting. I think Ahineev himself told everyone. Or maybe Marta.

  20. It was a funny story and interesting. But i think the one who spread the gossip could be either Marfa or Ahineev by mistake.

  21. i really liked (a slander). it was pretty funny because ahineev got in a huge crisis. every one thought they were kissing.

  22. The story was kind of funny and I really liked the ending.
    In the ending i really had no idea on who could of spread the gossip.

  23. wow!!! It was a really good story! I learn a lot abu it. I learn how you can star a gossip yourself about you!!! I really like the story!!! =)

  24. This story was quite interesting since this happens to us in our everyday life, but in a different setting and with our own characters. It was a very meaningful story which everyone can relate to.

  25. another thing: i really dont understand a little bit of the story it was a little confusing but i really hope your explination next monday really help clear the confusion!!!!! =)

  26. I really liked the climax of the story. I dint really get the ending but i think Marfa spread the rummors. It was a very entertaining story the plot was very cool.:)

  27. Yes Jose on Monday I will clarify any doubts you might have.

  28. i liked the story but the ending was a little off but at al it was interesting

  29. I like the story,its very interesting. Tells you that you have to ignore what people says about you.Gossipy people are the worst in the world.

  30. The story is very interesting. I really enjoy it to read it.Because they were gossiping about the Ahineev was kissing the cook Marfa. But at the end no body knows who tell it.

  31. I enjoy the story alot specially the part when the wife slap him at the face the story was good but the end was tricky im still brainstorming who did it...:D

  32. The story was very interesting for me.

  33. The people can not accuse another without proof of it for that reson there so many problems in the world.In this istoria Ahineev accused Avankin for ben a slanderThis affects his reputation because the rumor is going from one person to another.

  34. This story was a title weird until,I could understand really liked the message because this happens a lot in real life. Gossip beucause they are not good.

  35. I lick the story because it was interestin. I vish every clas was lick that, with storys.

  36. I really liked the story. This story taught me that you should always tell the truth and that gossip is bad.

  37. To me the story was sort of confusing at the begining, but as i kept on reading i got to understand it. in my opinion i think that Marfa spread the rumors about what happened between Ahineev and her.

  38. I think that the story relates very well with the teens these days and that when you suspect something is happening consult with the person and don't go around spreading rumors. The story was very interesting and taught me that spreading rumors whether they are true or not is never the answer.

  39. It was a strange interesting story, but it did teach us to verify if a rumor is running before you say anything about what you think people are saying or else big problems will come at the end.

  40. The story was very interesting for me. Reply

  41. The story is very interesting because it could be related with our lifes. It teach you how danger could be a gossip. You have to ignore al type of gossips.

  42. I loved the story is something that happens in real life. Today people jusgan by what they hear and not by what they see.

  43. This story is very interesting. For me the message is clear. Many times we are victims of our own actions and our words.

  44. Nashaly lorenzo 10-7 ;)
    I tnink it was very unfaie what happened to the men that his wife ought not wheter rationing should first analyze and find out before acting.

  45. I thought it was an interesting story but a bad ending. I would have liked to know who was the one that spread the rumor.

  46. I really like the story and it has a good message. We shoudnt gossip about other people because it could affect their lives or bring problems with other people.

  47. This story is very interesting to me because these things happen in reality and we must learn to always tell the truth and speaking ill of others.

  48. This story is very good teaches us not talk without really knowing the circumstances. Because this could damage the reputation of a person or destroy friendships, families and marriages.

  49. just saying things that happen not tell anyone that secret between two is not so is ocacionan secret.y gossip.

  50. This story is very special because if we win the reputation of others we could ruin the lives of others. unless we learn about nosy.

  51. john 10-1 I really like to preach that what you see is not always what you think

  52. Jeslyn M. 10-10 I like the story because it teach us to not believe what we see, because we can imagine it on another way. Also it teach us to be careful about the thing that we do, because other people can thinking in other way.

  53. Celimar M. 10-4 It was very interesting the story. It teach us to not believe everything that we see o hear.

  54. The story was very interesting. Telling people things that is not there consern it always brings problem or rumors. Sometimes justifying something makes people believe that is the opposite.

  55. Julisa C. 10-1

    I think that this story was interesting and very different.I liked it but I would liked to have seen other part.

  56. Samilly C. 10-1

    I really liked the story because it was very different. I think thas gossip can get to damage to others.

  57. The first time I read the story I dont understand it.before,I understand that the people dont speak about rumour if dont have proof for at the final dont have to repent.

  58. stephanie ruiz 10-1

    in this story i like wen he get in the room.

    and wen he was on the sofa.

  59. I really enjoyed ready this story because it was very interesting. I also find that this story has two a very important messages, first one is that before you assume something first you should ask or see if its really true because it might not be true and right there you just started a rumor about someone about something that is not even true. The second message is that you really shouldn't care what people think about you, protect whats yours first & I thought about that message because of the way Ahineev didn't even care about the fact that he had a wife he just cared that people thought he kissed an ugly lady.

  60. The story was very interesting.I learn that no matter what you do,theres always someone who is gossiping about you.

  61. im tink of the story are very interesting anf have a good example
